Beef Stroganoff with beet and strawberry side dish

Beef Stroganoff with beet and strawberry side dish

Servings: 2 servings.
Ratings 4.1 based on 11 reviews.
Cooking time: 40 minutes.

The great experimenter Pierre Gagnaire adds snails to beef in Stroganov’s style and makes beetroot in three ways. In general, beetroot is Ganier’s favorite vegetable, he wants to make a menu where it would appear on every point.


  • Tarragon 5g
  • Beef 250 g
  • Sour cream 100 g
  • Ground paprika 1 tsp.
  • Grape oil 50 ml
  • 3 pieces of beet
  • Strawberries 1/2 cup
  • 4 beet tops
  • Sweet pepper 1 piece
  • Red wine vinegar 2 teaspoons
  • Spices “Pain d’epices” 1 tablespoon
  • Balsamic Vinegar 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar 2 teaspoons
  • Butter 50g
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Snails 10 pieces
  • Cognac 50 ml

Step-by-step recipe

  1. Two beets cut into small cubes, the third – thin disks, it is better not manually, but on the mandolin. Beet disks put in a bowl with leaves of tops, pour a glass of water and a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar. Use your hands to mix the contents of the bowl so that it is evenly soaked, and leave to stand for twenty minutes.
  2. Heat the pan, pour in a little vegetable oil, sprinkle beetroot cubes, salt and sprinkle with a pinch of sugar. Mix the contents of the pan, add a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar, half a teaspoon of red wine vinegar and pour a glass of water in half a minute. Cover and leave for fifteen minutes.
  3. Slice Bulgarian pepper with the finest straws. Heat a frying pan well, drop a little bit of vegetable oil; if it turns out to be too much – drain the leftovers, add pepper, slightly salt and, stirring vigorously or throwing peppers in the pan, fry for half a minute.
  4. When almost all the liquid from the glazed beet has evaporated, add the pain d’épices spices to it. Stir and pour the strawberries into a saucepan for half a minute and pour in a tablespoon of water, in which the tops and beet tops are soaked. Sprinkle with plain water and after a few seconds, until the berries are boiled soft, remove the saucepan from the fire.
  5. Cut the beef. It is important to cut into small cubes, about two to two centimeters so that the meat is quickly roasted. Mix a pinch of salt with ground paprika and hands rub this mixture into the meat. Preheat a frying pan, pour in a little vegetable oil, put 15 g of butter. When the oil foams, put the meat and stirring, fry for half a minute.
  6. When the butter gets a little dark, add another 10 grams of butter and 3 tablespoons of sour cream. It is important to continuously stir the beef stroganoff so that the meat is evenly and at the same time quickly roasted and then stewed. One minute after adding sour cream it can be removed from the heat. Pepper, pour brandy, put another 10 grams of oil on top and cover with a lid.
  7. Cut the grape snails into small pieces. Heat the pan, pour in a little bit of vegetable oil, put the escargot and a piece of butter. Fry the snails, stirring for half a minute, then add them to the beef and hold on a small fire for fifteen seconds. Before serving, add another spoonful of fresh sour cream in beef stroganoff – for color.
  8. Heat half a glass of beet water with a teaspoon of sugar and a teaspoon of red vinegar. When sugar dissolves, put tarragon leaves in a saucepan – and pour out its contents in half a minute. Serve them with glazed beetroot, beetroot slices, capsicum and paprika, and beef stroganoff laid out on the leaves of the tops.

Enjoy your meal.

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