Smoked fish tart with parmesan crust

Smoked fish tart and parmesan crust

Servings: 6.
Cooking time: 1 hour 10 minutes.


  • Grated Parmesan Cheese 25 g;
  • Wheat Flour 110 g;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Lard 25 g;
  • Butter 25g;
  • Water to taste;
  • Smoked Salmon 250 g;
  • Milk 55 ml;
  • Bay Leaf 1 piece;
  • Ground nutmeg pinch;
  • Chicken egg (large) 2 pieces;
  • 2 Egg Yolk;
  • Fresh Cream 200 ml;
  • Capers 2 teaspoons;
  • Gherkins 2 pieces;
  • Smoked Cod 225 g;
  • Smoked Herring Fillet 110 g;
  • Freshly ground black pepper to taste;

Step-by-step recipe

  1. Leave the butter and lard at room temperature so that they are soft.
  2. Sift the flour and a pinch of salt into a large bowl, holding the sieve as high as possible to saturate the flour with oxygen. Add lard and butter. Stir the mixture with a knife. When it becomes like a uniform crumb, with your fingers, begin to rub the fat into the flour, sometimes slightly raising the flour mixture over the bowl and dropping it down. Add the grated parmesan, stir.
  3. Then sprinkle the dough with about a tablespoon of cold water, stir again with a knife, cutting movements. After kneading the dough with your hands until smooth, adding a little water as needed, until it stops sticking and rolls into a bowl. Transfer the dough into a bag and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  4. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees, along with a baking sheet, on the middle shelf.
  5. Remove the dough from the fridge and roll it into a circle on a lightly sprinkled surface. Gently, using a rolling pin, transfer to a mold for quiche (diameter 19–20 cm). Smooth and lightly press. The edges of the dough should protrude approximately 5 mm above the mold. Pin the base with a fork. Beat the eggs lightly and grease the base, not forgetting the edges. Bring to the oven for 20–25 minutes until golden and crispy. Check if the base rises in the center. If so, hold it with your hands, chop it again with a fork and return to the oven.
  6. Remove the base from the oven. Reduce the temperature to 170 degrees.
  7. Put cod and herring in a small saucepan, cover with milk, add bay leaf and a little nutmeg. Bring to a boil, close the lid and cook for 2 minutes. Remove from heat, place the fish on a plate. Remove the bay leaf from the milk.
  8. Beat the eggs and yolks lightly with a little nutmeg, without adding salt. Heat the milk from the fish, add fresh cream (can be replaced with rich cream) and heat again.
  9. Beat the egg mixture quickly, gently, not quickly, pour in the milk mixture.
  10. Divide the fish fillets into approximately 1 cm pieces. Place on the dough along with the salmon slices. Sprinkle with capers and finely chopped cornichons. Pour in half of the milk mixture, transfer to a baking sheet, then pour the leftovers. Send to the oven for 30–35 minutes until golden brown. Remove from the oven and leave for 10 minutes – this is a very important point for the tart to be easily cut.

Enjoy your meal.

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